Month: February 2015

Eat, Talk, Shout, Laugh – Story of Family Dinners and Scary Birthday Cakes

– Mum, do you remember the cake that I was scared of? What was the story of it? – Of course I remember!!! You were about 3-4 years old. It was Sirri’s (my oldest brother) birthday and I wanted to bake a surprise cake for him. I prepared the batter and searched for a cake mould. I had this one shallow mould, and I thought I could bake in it. I asked Hakan (my middle brother) if the cake would be baked well in this one, and he said yes. – But wait, why did you ask my brother? He never ever baked anything in his life! – I don’t know! I just did! He was around! Anyway, I poured the batter in the mould and baked the cake, completely forgetting that it would rise.. So the cake started to rise, pouring out of the mould, making a big mess inside the oven with the pouring batter burning.. I had to take the cake out before it baked completely. But I did not stop there, …

Baghala Ghatogh – Iranian Fava Bean Stew with Rice, From Ashkan’s Kitchen

Ever since I started my co-cooking sessions, I also started to seriously enjoy Iranian cuisine thanks to my dear Iranian friends. These Iranian friends I’ve met here – they are fun, easy to communicate with and great dinner companies – and they do enjoy food! But also as a Turkish, Iranian cuisine has a familiar taste for me and I see now that it is incredibly rich.

A Killer Tiramisu Recipe!

It’s been a long time since I wrote anything in this blog. Well, there were many reasons for it, but the main reason is that I have been trying to get used to my new apartment. The amount of daylight is rather challenging in this apartment and also, the oven is a mystery to me! Or it “was” a mystery, I think I almost understood how it works (it’s a gas oven!).