Month: February 2021

Tahini And Molasses Cake – Light And Fluffy

I’m sitting on my bed, drinking my morning tea and writing this blog post. I was planning to write it last night, but I was a tad too tired, and the pain in my body was too much. I also have pain right now, but it’s slightly better. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few weeks ago, and it’s been hard to adjust to it, but then cakes like this one help every once in a while to lift my spirit. About six years ago, I published a very easy dessert recipe, made just by a certain proportion of tahini with molasses. That mixture is so simple to make and has been a part of my childhood so much. This recipe turns that mixture into a light and delicious cake, together with one of my favourite things in the world, black tea. This recipe originates from one I saw on Youtube one day purely by chance. I can’t find that recipe anymore, but luckily I noted it down. I added a bit of my twist, …

A Delicious Fava Bean Spread With Locally Grown Beans From Oma Maa

This spread is similar to hummus, but it does not have chickpeas. Instead, I used crushed dried fava beans locally grown by Oma Maa food co-op (the beans were a part of the food bag I got from them in December). I’ve been thinking of what to do with them, and finally, I found a delicious use. Being involved with the producer of the food product you use is a great thing. Why? You can, of course, just go to the supermarket and buy a package of crushed fava beans, there are many different brands. However, when you know the producer, you also get to learn how the beans are prepared. Let me tell you. After being harvested, the beans are taken to Oma Maa’s kitchen building, which is slightly farther away from the farm (Lassila Farm in Tuusula). The kitchen building has different rooms: a cold room to keep harvested produce where there is also a couple of freezers, a room full of machines where you can wash and peel fresh produce, crush or …