Month: June 2014

Drink This: Latte in Caffi

  Update on 18.11.2018: This cafe no longer exists. I am not a coffee person really. I like tea, nicely and heavily brewed tea, but I am not so keen on coffee. I drink coffee, yes, but I cannot always tell the difference between good and bad coffee. I have an espresso machine at home, but I bought it to make tiramisu any time I want.

Eat This: Salad with Chicken, Feta and Artichoke in Mbar

  Update on 18.11.2018: This cafe / bar no longer exists (unfortunately!!). By now you already know that I love cooking and baking in my dear kitchen. Well yes I do, but every now and then I like eating out too. So I decided to add this section to my blog and give tips about what to eat where briefly – mmm things that I like eating, places that I like eating in.